本項目之所有成員(包括管理者和翻譯內容提供者)與官方人員、團隊(包括且不限於Andrew HussieWhat Pumpkin StudioViz Media等)皆無合作、從屬等關係。

除官方美術來源音樂來源文件所表列之內容外,所有圖片、文字、影片、多媒體檔案、角色等之著作權皆由原作者Andrew Hussie所有。

本項目產出的文字翻譯內容與程式碼,那些可以在Google Drive上的文檔、Blogger上的文章與網頁以及Github上的檔案裡找到的,只要清楚標示來源,皆允許任何形式的重製、散布、傳輸以及修改,但不可以用於商業行為或涉及金錢報酬。


Copyright Disclaimer

This project and all translation content contributer of this project have NO affiliation and cooperation with official personnel and team, including and not not limited to Andrew Hussie, What Pumpkin Studio and Viz Media.

Except those listed in the official credit list, all images, texts, flash files, characters, etc. are owned by the author Andrew Hussie.

The text translation content and codes produced in this project, which can be found in documents on Google Drive, posts and pages on Blogger, and files on Github, as long as appropriate credit is clearly given, all forms of reproduction, distribution, transmission and modification are allowed, but they cannot be used for commercial purposes or involve monetary rewards.

We do not guarantee the quality and accuracy of the translation content.

Homestuck的著作權屬於Andrew Hussie。這是讀者製作的非官方非營利目的翻譯版本。詳見著作權聲明。網站由Blogger技術提供。